
Spring 2008

New Inventory module for Stemcell's Anti-body Calculator.

In 2005 MPV delivered an application for Stemcell Technologies that computes dispensing volumes and documentation for Trace Lots. This app has now been extended so it can now auto-issue trace lot inventory. Managing traceable inventory has always been a challenge in Visual Mfg ERP. This new extension provides a single window that handles material requirements, existing transactions, available stock and lot IDs allowing the user to quickly evaluate and issue materials.  By creating a series of pending transactions the user can easily modify or delete a selection. Even after a item has been issued the user can delete or return the transaction with one click.

Fall 2007

Lantec EDC Enhancements

Lantec's Part Creation application known as "EDC" originally developed by MPV Systems in 2004 received several new powerful features in September that are making their engineers very happy. The new features extend the Search and TBOM (temporary BOM) capabilities of the Part Creation system allowing users to search and navigate across multiple masters and jobs simultaneously. On the technology side MPV refactored a sizable chuck of the original code to support the new features that were implemented using OO code.

MPV Systems Delivers Expert system.

Production management at Stemcell Technologies saw an opportunity to save their planners significant time by automating a complex and repetitive inventory issuing algorithm. "Our Trace Lots are extemely time sensitive and must be distributed across demand in the most efficient way possible on a weekly basis. This was consuming a large percentage of planning's time and the decision tree was so complex that errors were frequent", according to the PM.   Using agile development practices and OO technology, MPV Systems was able to deliver a solution within 3 months. The system reduced the planning task time from 6 hours to less than 20 minutes. The actual logic is parsed in fewer than 10 seconds. The applications pattern driven object model is also ideally suited for future extension.

Summer 2007

CWS Industries adds auto labour ticketing to their NestLINK middleware application from MPV Systems.

CWS manufactures heavy machinery attachments made almost entirely from steel plate that is burnt in-house. NestLINK is their custom integration application that exchanges work order information and performs transaction processing between Visual Mfg ERP and SigmaNest burn table software. The addition of labour ticketing facilitates the collection of burden costs for consumables.

Spring 2007

Brunette Industries deploys their advanced inventory reporting system from MPV Systems to regional offices in Atlanta and Toronto

Winter 2007

Stemcell Technologies rolls out new Web-based budgeting application from MPV Systems.

Managers in regional offices around the world and at head office in Vancouver now have a made-to-measure budgeting tool that gives them access to live data and powerful new analysis and compilation features. "There's a lot of excitement about the new special functions that analyze trends and auto generate projections based on cyclical patterns and ratios. We really needed an application that would allow the managers to quickly retrieve the key information they need to make budget decisions and then automate the number crunching to distribute the values across the periods according to established patterns." says Stemcell's software manager. "We're also now convinced that Web-based applications are the preferred choice in the future. Zero footprint client-side server software eliminates a very significant burden and cost on IT and allows us to invest where real value is added - in the features and functions of the programs."