MPV Systems ‘made-to-measure’ software reflects the unique business processes within a client’s enterprise.

Occasionally, I design applications or parts of an application that are not specific to a particular enterprise and may also be valuable to other clients.

These ‘commercial’ solutions are essentially ready-to-go with only small changes required to accommodate database connectivity.


Demonstrations of solutions are available upon request. Please send an email to




Commercial Solutions for Users of Infor Visual ERP





Solution Type



Release Date

FIFO Express

Watch Video

CDM (Client-Defined Module)


MS Office

March 2005


FE is a BPS (Business Process Streamlining) Windows application that replaces the lightweight Standard Costs tool provided in Infor Visual ERP; it streamlines the task of maintaining Part standard costs with a rich set of advanced features including a fully configurable dynamic search filter for sub-grouping and sorting Parts to be reviewed, dbl-click drill down on receipt records to display all related historical receipt transactions, one-click display of cost history log by Part; one-click export to Excel; auto recalculation on single Parts or the entire record set and one-click price updating. All updates are logged to ensure that historical costs and prices are properly maintained.







Solution Type



Release Date

Inventory Express

Coming Soon

CDM (Client-Defined Module)


dotNET 2.0, Visual Studio – C#

November 2007


IE is a Windows Forms application for managing inventory going to and from jobs in Visual Mfg ERP. It complements the Visual’s built-in Inventory Entry window. This application streamlines the issuing of traceable and non-traceable inventory to work orders. A single interface allows the user to quickly select an individual work order. Three separate data grids on the interface display open material requirements, existing transactions and available Lot IDs in warehouse locations that are open. (Non-traceable items are also displayed). The user can create a series of ‘pending’ issues, release or modify these and delete or return transactions.






Solution Examples for Users of Infor Visual ERP





Solution Class



Release Date

EDC – Phase 2

$100,000 Net


BPS (Process Streamlining)


MS Access/SQL Server

Spring 2006

Client Profile

$15 Million. Custom builder of heavy equipment winches and drags


The need to prevent and correct inconsistent naming and numbering of Part IDs and thereby improve both Search and data integrity was the initial project objective. Subsequently in 2006 a second phase was added to extend advanced Search features into the Windows file system and implement a new class of engineering masters called TBOMS (temporary bills of material) that exist outside of the ERP systems database.




EDC is a Custom Windows Forms application that complements the client’s Part Maintenance ERP window. Initially EDC was a Part Creation Helper that implemented business specific rules and conventions for numbering and describing new Parts in a consistent and uniform way. The program implements a series of wizards to control the creation of a Part’s ID, Description and various UDF entries according to key features. As the company’s Part database was cleaned up and started to become more searchable, the developer was asked to add enhanced Search functionality. Through 2006 and 2007 functions for recursively drilling into and cross referencing engineering masters, work orders and their requirements have been added. Windows API calls and Regular Expressions have also been added to extend search directly into the network file system. The application now includes a new object for creating and storing Temporary Bill of Materials (TBOM) to support the engineering department’s requirement for a separate class of Engineering Masters.


Customer Comments

EDC is the LANTEC Data tool that contributes directly to making a very clean part database that does not need much management.  EDC makes it easier to do the job right the first time by allowing us (LANTEC Engineering Team) to take advantage of a large body of historical part information.  It does this by making searches very easy to do and then once a target item is found, EDC allows that target to become essentially a template for new item creation.  The re-use of existing part information like this creates a cycle where the database becomes easier to search, easier to create entries, and so on.   While EDC has many other convenience/automation features and tools, this I believe, is the core feature that makes EDC the tool of choice for us. 



Client/Server architecture developed on the MS Office platform using VBA bas and class modules in MS Access with an ADO connection to a SQL Server database.








Solution Class



Release Date

NestLINK – Upload


$35,000 Net - Upload


$9,000 (incl. maintenance)


Systems Integration


MS Access/SQL Server

October 2004

Client Profile

$25 Million. Custom builder of heavy equipment attachments for earth moving machinery.



Eliminating redundant data entry in a key business processes that coupled two separate information systems was the initial opportunity for integration identified by the client. 45 minutes was being invested on a daily basis to manually enter redundant job information into the burn table application. It was realized that this time could be recovered if the information was transferred electronically between the systems.


After the initial objective was accomplished a subsequent opportunity for improving costing and inventory accuracy by was identified. Because the cost of manually posting the transactions in the actual cost inventory system would have exceeded $35,000 per year, the company had been issuing “estimated” inventory quantities in an effort to hold the cost of data entry to $12,000 per year. Accounting for the variance between the estimated and actual inventory issued required frequent cycle counting and the job costing system would always have some measure of inaccuracy built in.




NestLINK is a systems integration application that marshals work order requirements bi-directionally between the Infor Visual ERP system and SigmaNEST burn table software. The program is can be run autonomously from a script in the Windows Task Scheduler or through controls on its console.

To upload material requirements from the ERP database to the burn table database  the application checks for released work orders with open material requirements; it applies a series of filters to ensure that only eligible orders are forwarded and appends additional plate requirement specifications; it then populates the database tables in SigmaNEST and logs the records. These Requirements are further validated and any exception notifications are automatically emailed to the appropriate department.

To download processed requirements from SigmaNEST to the ERP database and issue them to WIP, the application polls the burn table database for finished items that are ready to be issued back to their sources of demand in the ERP system. The program then sets up new co-product work orders in the ERP and issues the plate used to burn the material requirements. It then receives the burnt requirements as co-products. The final steps issue the new supply back out to the work orders from which the demand originated and adds labour tickets to capture burden costs.



The initial development cost of the upload module was $5,800 with an additional $3,000 budgeted for maintenance and upgrades over the 5 year lifespan of the Solution in the company’s two facilities. An ROI of $35,000 Net was calculated based the manual processing time required before the solution was implemented.


Solution Profile

The optimization strategy was to integrate the two systems with a bridging/middleware application to automate the data exchange. The project was divided into two phases to manage the Upload and Download processes separately. The Upload process was implemented during the third quarter of 2004. The second phase download process was developed subsequently through second half of 2006. Several new features and enhancement were implemented through the course of 2007.



Client/Server architecture developed on the MS Office platform using VBA bas and class modules in MS Access with an ADO connection on two SQL Server databases








Solution Class



Release Date

PK Expert


$22,000 Net

$35,000 (incl. maintenance)

Process Automation


MS Access/Oracle

October 2007


$35 Million. Life Sciences supporting stem cell research by providing enabling research tools including specialized media and cell separation products.



$660 per month of labour savings from automation of the time-consuming, complex and error prone process of managing inventory distributions for four sub-classes of traceable parts.



PK Expert automates a set of algorithms that optimize the distribution of traceable inventory for several groups of parts known as “PK”. It is a mixed-mode application providing both a CDM (Client-Defined Module) and Process Automation; its custom module enables planners to review system generated distribution outputs and perform related post-processing tasks quickly and efficiently.



 4 months. The project was started in July 2007 and the software was released in October 2007.



The Solution uses a Win Forms client-server architecture developed on the MS Office platform using VBA bas and class modules in MS Access with an Oracle database on the backend.





Solution Type





Stemcell Technologies Inc



Visual Studio - VB.NET



Stembudget is a corporate financial budgeting tool that is fully integrated into the client’s network. Managers can access the program from anywhere in the world through a VPN. The application replaces the client’s stock budget ERP window. This application incorporates automation functions that can quickly build cash distributions based on historical patterns and predefined models. Managers can drill down and quickly access every single invoice, purchase order, receiver or other document that has ever been posted since the day the system went live in 1998. Its spreadsheet style page layout is familiar and powerful allowing each page to show three dimensions of information.





Solution Type




Anti-body Calculator

Stemcell Technologies Inc



MS Access


Abstract :

This application was developed to handle a special class of the client’s products that require calculating volumes based on trace lot concentrations, losses in dispensing and other business specific variables. These products also have special reporting requirements that are handled by the app.





Solution Type




Inventory Lookup

Brunette Industries Ltd

Search, Reporting

Parts & Service

MS Access



IL is a Windows Forms application that blends information from several different ERP windows. Users in the client’s Parts and Service department needed advanced one-click search capabilities to quickly access specific Parts information to support telephone sales. Although all of this information was available in the ERP system, accessing it required the user to navigate and search across numerous menus. In addition to bringing all the required information into a single window the application provides a series of one-click related reports across the footer of the single view screen.





Solution Type




Document Print Express

Stemcell Technologies Inc

ERP Replacement/Enhancement


MS Access



DPE (Document Print Express) is a Windows Forms application that replaces and extends the client’s stock Shipping Entry ERP window. It implements client specific business rules for managing shipments; it provides integrated document management for packing lists, customs documents, MSDS, Product Information Sheets and customer shipment notifications by email and fax; it has built in email messaging, and pdf generation.





Solution Type




MPS Manager

Stemcell Technologies Inc



VB Script, MS Access



MPS Manager is an autonomous script application that recalculates the master production schedule on a nightly basis. The program is designed to synchronize and adjust the companies master schedule based on updates to its sales forecast and completed work orders. These inputs are run through a series of special algorithms that automatically adjust the schedule. The program is run once each evening immediately prior to the ERP systems scheduler and MRP programs.





Solution Type





Stemcell Technologies Inc

ERP Replacement/Enhancement

Order Processing

MS Access



COE (Customer Order Entry) is a Windows Forms application that replaces and enhances the client’s stock Order Entry ERP window. The need for an “intelligent” order entry system was identified shortly after the client’s ERP implementation was complete. The company was growing rapidly and was processing large numbers of orders on a daily basis. The staff required to process orders through the window supplied by the ERP vendor was too great. Management realized that a custom Solution was required to automate the many repetitive tasks, implement business rules and provide the additional Search and Notification capabilities that were consuming most of the processing time.